Meet the Author

Author Bio from The Lighthouse Back Home: Jodi Auborn became interested in lighthouses and the ocean when she was fifteen years old and went on her first vacation to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Since then, she has made several trips to Monhegan Island and other small towns in coastal Maine, all of which inspired the setting for the fictional town of Salvation Point. In 2014, Jodi released her novel Matthias: The Ghost of Salvation Point, in which Dylan began his adventures at his family’s haunted lighthouse. Following numerous requests for more stories featuring Matthias and Dylan, the concept of a time-travel novel was developed, and The Lighthouse Back Home was released in 2023. She has also written Stormwind of the North Country and Secrets in the North Country, adventure novels set in New York State’s Adirondack Mountains, and a memoir titled My Ten-Acre Wilderness. The author lives in Ticonderoga, NY.
Author Bio from Matthias: The Ghost of Salvation Point: Jodi Auborn became interested in lighthouses and the ocean when she was fifteen years old and went on her first vacation to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Later in life, she made several trips to Monhegan Island and other small towns in coastal Maine, all of which inspired the setting for the fictional town of Salvation Point. She is the author of Stormwind of the North Country and Secrets of the North Country, adventure novels set in New York State’s Adirondack Mountains. She has also written a memoir titled The Forests I Called Home. The author lives in Ticonderoga, NY.
Author Bio from My Ten-Acre Wilderness: Jodi Auborn is the author of two adventure novels for young readers: Stormwind of the North Country and its sequel, Secrets in the North Country, as well as Matthias: The Ghost of Salvation Point. She currently lives in the small town of Ticonderoga, NY, in the Adirondack Mountains that inspired this book and her two "North Country" novels. When she isn't writing, Jodi is an avid photographer, artist, and musician who plays the guitar and ukulele. Horses are also a big part of her life, her newest being a white Appaloosa named Timmy.
Author Bio from Stormwind of the North Country (Second Edition): Jodi Auborn first started writing Stormwind of the North Country as a horse-crazy ten-year-old. After over twenty years (and countless drafts), “Stormwind” became her first novel, which was originally published in 2009. In 2019, the newly rewritten and republished Second Edition was released. Jodi has also written a sequel to “Stormwind,” titled Secrets in the North Country. For younger readers, she has written Matthias: The Ghost of Salvation Point, and a memoir for all ages called My Ten- Acre Wilderness: A Misfit Girl's Quest for Home. She currently lives in the small town of Ticonderoga, NY, in the Adirondack Mountains that inspired the two “North Country” novels and her memoir. When she isn't writing, Jodi is an avid photographer, artist, and musician who plays the guitar and ukulele. Horses are also a big part of her life, her newest being a white Appaloosa named Timmy.
Author Bio from Secrets in the North Country (Second Edition): Jodi Auborn first began writing Secrets in the North Country when she was in high school, inspired by news reports of an inmate who had escaped a nearby prison and was suspected of living in the woods. The incident sparked her imagination and made her wonder what might happen if an innocent man, accused of a crime he didn’t commit, was on the run in the fictional small town of Sprucewood. Could he survive the winter in the wild? Could he make his way to his friends and hope they’d take him in? Many years (and drafts) later, “Secrets,” the sequel of Stormwind of the North Country, was published in 2012. This rewritten Second Edition was released in 2022. Stormwind of the North Country, Jodi’s first novel, began the story of Kat and her family. For younger readers, she has written Matthias: The Ghost of Salvation Point, and a memoir for all ages called My Ten-Acre Wilderness: A Misfit Girl’s Quest for Home. She currently lives in the small town of Ticonderoga, NY, in the Adirondack Mountains that inspired the two “North Country” novels and her memoir. When she isn’t writing, Jodi is an avid photographer, artist, and musician who plays the guitar and ukulele. Horses are also a part of her life, her newest being a white Appaloosa named Timmy.